Snowfall causes accidents in the A8 and the Rosenheim area – no injuries

Snowfall causes accidents in the A8 and the Rosenheim area - no injuries

Police symbol image

© Karl-Joseph Hildenbrand

On Sunday, January 17, there was little traffic on the Autobahn in the area of ​​responsibility of the Rosenheim Traffic Police Station, but the weather caused many accidents. Fortunately, however, property damage did not result in injuries.

Full press release:

Rosenheim District – Around 7:30 am, a Turkish truck lost control of its vehicle due to heavy snowfall and improper speed in the snow-covered road. He touched between Rosenheim Junction and I.Nantle triangle in the direction of munich First left handrail and then right handrail. Railing and truck damage Around 10,000 euro.

A 35-year-old Hungarian was with him Bmw But also A8 towards Munich On the road. Also run at inappropriate speeds Snow And came soon after AS BERNAU AS Right on the road. The effect in the railing made it Vehicle Damaged so badly that he had to tow.

a A Romanian leaves at 8:30 am. With a truck A8 In the direction of travel Salzburg. Between the tank and the rest area Summerberg and Einmahal Junction It also started sliding over the snow covered lane and crashed into the railing, causing total damage. Around 3000 euro.

Between connection points Rosenheim West and Bad Ebling turned into Mercedes Swiss approval at 11:20 am Slovenian Car Driver the lane. Slovenian The skirmish was able to prevent the collision, but hit and dropped the right railing. Swiss vehicle left there crash site. An observant witness observed that Accident And was able to write the fugitive’s license plate and provide the driver’s details. Mercedes driver A complaint is now expected to run from an accident. Damage caused by accident Around 4000 euro.

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a 18 year old from Munich Arrived just before 4:20 p.m. As bad abling In the direction of travel Salzburg With him Fiat 500 Due to driving error in left lane skid and collided with vehicle in front of vehicle 25 year old RosenheimerWhich was on the middle lane. On the vehicle of Münchners There was a loss of about 2000 euros in the front area and on Audi. Left side of the vehicle from around 800 euros. Both vehicles were ready to operate.

In Disha Salzburg A Romanian left in his Audi at 8.30 am. The car repeatedly lurched on the road and was therefore used by the authorities Federal Police in front of Rohardore Subject to a control. The reason for his driving style was quickly found, as his vehicle had heat tires attached to the rear axle. Driver had to get one on site security deposit Deposit and Continue All four wheels were halted until there were winter tires.

Press Release Traffic Police Inspection Rosenheim

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