So that you never lose your hearing is Ambrose – Optics & Acoustics

So that you never lose your hearing is Ambrose - Optics & Acoustics

- © Ambrose - Optics & Acoustics
– © Ambrose – Optics & Acoustics

Favorite song on the radio. Children’s laughter Bird Songs There are many such voices in our world that are worth listening to. If hearing loss decreases with age or for other reasons, it often means a significant reduction in quality of life. Who would want to constantly ask questions in order to be able to understand the person they are talking to and actively participate in the dialogue?

from containment to supply

Such situations can be easily avoided. The possibilities of modern hearing aids offer a solution: from routine check-ups to the supply of specially made instruments – based on the latest scientific knowledge and many times tried and tested. There are many types of hearing aids. “Behind the Ear Devices” (BTE) and “In-Ear Devices” (ITE) are self-explanatory in their use. The so-called bone conduction headphones are also a special case. However, these are only used when traditional hearing aids are no longer of any help. What is the similarity between the statements? Perfect sound reproduction, natural speech intelligibility, reliable noise suppression. Many models are also able to save and, as it were, learn certain sound frequencies that the wearer particularly likes.

no standard solution

“The optimal hearing aid fits like a tailor’s suit or like a tailor’s dress,” Günter Ambrose draws parallels to the fashion world. So “off-the-shelf” solutions are not an option for the team. Only with thorough advice, differentiated adjustments and an extended testing phase, in which all parameters are individually adjusted step by step, can results be achieved that will satisfy customers in the long term. Ambrose – not only has a wide range of technical equipment in optics and acoustics, but also has a lot of experience. Interested parties can see for themselves in the generously furnished studio at Tiffenbach or on the web

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