So the victory of right-wing populist Marine Le Pen can be imagined

So the victory of right-wing populist Marine Le Pen can be imagined
Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron

What is the risk of the French President being re-elected? Suddenly, a victory for right-wing populist Le Pen no longer seems impossible.

(Photo: AP, Imago, ActionPress)

Paris Emmanuel Macron looks expectantly at the royal court of Versailles. Behind it is the magnificent façade of the Baroque palace, where the French king once lived. Every few minutes, limousines roll through the golden portal to the square, from which top EU politicians climb. For each guest, the Republican Guard Music Corps plays with a brass fanfare.

Macron shakes hands, hugs, kisses. The President of the Republic holds the court. Before Macron disappears behind the palace walls, he stops in front of the cameras and warns: “Europe must change.” It is a time of “historic judgments” and “the greater freedom of our Europe”.

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