“Hey, are you ready to come to the studio?”, Nico Santos asked his pop collaborator Lina Meyer-Landrut during the production process of “Better” – the 29-year-old was up for it and sang the successful solo composer (Photomontage )
© Britta Pederson / Axel Hemken / Johannes Henemuth / DPA / Picture Alliance
OfJonas Arbas
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Leena Mayer-Landrut and Nico Santos rocked the charts in 2019 with “Better”. Now the pop musician talked about the creation of the single on Instagram – and revealed: “Euphoria” was evident during the recording. “There’s something in this room,” the 28-year-old observed at the time.
BERLIN – For years there has been practically no way around German music lovers around Lina Meyer-Landrut * (29) and Nico Santos (28): two pop stars * have hit with their hits Long conquered radio, Have also been on stage in major TV * formats such as “The Voice of Germany” (ProSieben *) or “Sing My Song – Das Toushkonzart” (Vox *). In 2019 the singer-songwriter and ESC winner created the common cause, releasing the hit single “Better”.
On the occasion of the one-year anniversary of her self-titled second studio album (first release: May 8, 2020), the 28-year-old looked back and recalled on Instagram * How did the collaboration happen. He gets excited. Extratipp.com * Report.
In 2019, Leena Mayer-Landrut and her pop collaborator Nico Santos rocked the charts with the duet song “Better”, now the 28-year-old musician spoke about collaborating on Instagram, talking about recordings and video shoots in the studio
© Britta Pederson / DPA / Pic Alliance
Lina Meyer-Landrut and Nico Santos: “Euphoria” woke up in the studio with “Better”
Under the motto “Stories behind the album”, Nico Santos is currently giving a glimpse behind the scenes of his record, which was released in 2020, and is distributed Interesting facts and exciting background information. It begins with an anecdote about the successful single “Better”, which the 28-year-old sang with pop star collaborator Leena Mayer-Landrut * in 2019. The number’s guitar melody, suggested by producer Pascal ‘Kalli’ Reinhardt, immediately appealed to the composer – despite the new sound effects – “It sounds more modern than I’ve done, But it still sounds like a lot to me. “
As a couple partner, Nico Santos quickly thought of Lina Meyer-Landrut: “I think Lina just finished her tour – should I write to her?”, She thought at the time – said, did: “Hey, do you want to come to the studio? I have an idea here that would be really good, ”the 28-year-old persuaded her colleague very quickly. “Better” was then “finished in a day”. The mood between each other seemed very good, with the two harmonizing directly, as revealed in Bremen-born *: “The moment you’re in the studio and you think: ‘It feels different somehow, there’s something tingling right now, there’s something in the room here’ – You can practically touch it, such excitement. “
Leena Mayer-Landrut and Nico Santos: Fun experience while shooting video clips
There is also much to tell about the video shoot of “Better”: In the action-packed clip, Lina Meyer-Landrut and Nico Santos race through a cornfield in a red SUV. According to the pop singer, which of the two was allowed to sit behind the wheel, it was quickly clarified: “I don’t have a driving license. Can’t Lena do this?” Especially spectacular: In the music video, the car turns upside down on its axle. “This was the scene I really wanted to put in there”The 28-year-old admitted – little wonder how he shoots this stunt.
The trolley was firmly mounted in a sophisticated device so that it could easily rotate 360 degrees. “Oh, how is it done? I felt the camera spinning”, Nico Santos was amazed. The production team clarified: “No, you turn.” So Lina Meyer-Landrut and the “Like I Love You” interpreter took their place in the complex construction – and the dizzying ‘journey’ began. However, the process was probably not very pleasant: “At some point I felt that my coffee was coming (…). But we pulled it off and I still really like the scene. The effort was definitely worth it: the pop musician and Hanoverian * achieved gold status with “Better” just a few weeks ago (extratipp.com reported *).
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