South China Sea: Philippines accuses China of hostile incursion into disputed maritime zone

South China Sea: Philippines accuses China of hostile incursion into disputed maritime zone

South China Sea is again the scene of a dispute Manila And Beijing: Philippines China has been accused of hostile incursions into its territorial waters. Philippine Defense Minister Delphine Lorenzana said on Sunday that more than 200 Chinese boats were near the controversial Whatsun Reef. He called on Beijing to “stop this break-in and recall the boats that violate our maritime law and our sovereign territory.”

On Saturday, a Philippine government agency reported the discovery of about 220 Chinese fishing boats about 320 kilometers west of the Philippine island of Palawan. The boats would have formed a “line”. “Despite the clear weather”, Chinese boats converged in front of the reef without getting entangled in “fishing activities”.

The circumstances have led to “concern over navigation, along with possible overgrazing and destruction of the marine environment,” said the authority responsible for monitoring the South China Sea. Philippine Foreign Minister Tedoro Loxin recorded a diplomatic protest note. It can’t stop there.

The Philippine army has already announced that investigations are on, based on which further action will be taken. According to the Reuters news agency, Major General Edgard Arvalo said it was not limited to diplomatic opposition. The Chinese Embassy in Manila has not yet commented on the allegations.

In the past, the USA has repeatedly accused China of “intimidating, threatening or threatening” other nations. Beijing wants to implement its controversial maritime zone claims in the South China Sea. One of the most important international trade routes runs between China and Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam from the region. It also has a large fish population and has suspected rich oil and gas deposits at the bottom.

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Five years ago, judges in The Hague, Philippines were largely correct about that Dispute over territory Given. Accordingly, China has no basis for claiming historical rights to resources in the sea region.

Icon: Mirror

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