Standing ovation for Phil Collins at concert in Berlin

Standing ovation for Phil Collins at concert in Berlin

Two years after the originally planned date, the band Genesis took the stage in Berlin. It was one of Phil Collins’ final performances—and the musician could only do it sitting down.

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Produce Are in Germany: With a concert in Berlin Phil Collins And his band members began the final part of their European tour on Monday evening. This will probably be the last time you can see the legendary rock band live.

“The Last Domino” tour began last year and demands a lot in particular from singer Collins, who is now 71 years old and sits in a chair on stage. However, in the end, thousands of spectators stood and applauded for several minutes for the haunting concert.

son nicholas sits on the drums

The coronavirus pandemic postponed the concert in Berlin by two years and 60 percent capacity was now allowed at the Mercedes-Benz Arena. Founding member Phil Collins reunites on stage, mike rutherford on guitar and Tony Banks on keyboards. All 71 years old.

Phil Collins: The musician can no longer play the drums himself.  (Source: Imago Images)Phil Collins: The musician can no longer play the drums himself. (Source: Imago Images)

His son, 21-year-old Nichols, is now sitting on drums as Collins can no longer play for health reasons. In a 2021 BBC interview, his father said, “I would love to, but I can’t even hold the drumstick with my hand anymore.” Over the past year, Phil Collins has repeatedly made headlines and made his fans worry about his health.

The musician has a long medical record. The singer has been described as nearly deaf in his left ear since 2002. In 2009, he had numbness in his hands due to cervical vertebrae operation. Phil Collins then had to operate on his back in 2015, since then he has also been suffering from numbness in his left leg. “It’s disappointing,” complained Rocker in 2021.

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“I don’t know if I still want to go on tour”

But he does not want to give up – and continues to tour the world. Genesis played over 20 songs from their decades-long career on their tour, including “I Can’t Dance”, “Home by the Sea”, “Mama” or “Land of Confusion”.

This was not his last concert in Berlin: the biggest indoor event in the city since the start of the coronavirus pandemic will repeat this Tuesday. There will be five more concerts in Hanover and Cologne in Germany. The final concert of the tour will take place in London in March.

Would this have been the band’s last concert? “We’re all people our age and to some degree I think it’s probably going to be over,” Phil Collins said. “I don’t know if I want to go on tour anymore.”

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