Star lover to you Scheeßel . I invite you to Astronomy Day

Star lover to you Scheeßel .  I invite you to Astronomy Day

Ronnie Huntzshell (right) and Christian Harder want to get others interested in their hobbies.

© Hayne

Local Star Friends participate in nationwide Astronomy Day on October 1. Those interested can use the binoculars at Scheisel.

Scheeßel – Cassiopeia, Dumbbell Nebula, Moon Transit: When Ronnie Huntzshell and Christian Harder talk, the layman only understands the station. What the two want to share with others feels heavenly, as they are reviving the tradition of “Astronomy Days”, which last took place in 2018 and saw an average of 20 to 30 visitors to Shissell. was attracted.

This puts the two amateur astronomers in good international company, as the event is organized by “VDS”, a worldwide campaign by the Association of Star Friends. This year’s motto is “The Fascinating Lunar World in the Solar System”. “In addition to Jupiter’s four moons, we can hopefully show visitors the moons of Uranus,” Harder explains. Gersdorfer knows by choice: anteaters are part of the “business” to bring interested people closer to astronomy. When constellations containing wondrous images such as the “Owl Cluster” are seen through telescopes with magnifications of 40 to 400 times, many people are excited.

That’s how it began with Ronnie Huntzshell – the man from Lionbrook letting himself “infected” by Harder at one of the informal meetings of like-minded people in 2007. The latter had already smelled a fuse on a school trip to the planetarium at the age of eleven – a hobby that has not let him go to this day.

When Ronnie Huntzshell from Lionbrook is looking at the sky, he has some equipment.

© Ulla Hein x

Expressing this enthusiasm, the focus is being set from 8 pm on 1 October. With three telescopes, some of them self-built, both are on site at the Ruhlohkampweg/corner of Finteler Weg near Melkhus of the Besson family – a perfect location: “little light pollution to the south, where the planets grow, no cities and Hardly any traffic through”, quips Harder. Apart from this, both are expected to have calm air, as then the highest can be seen in the evening sky. “Maybe an Iridium passage or even the ISS,” Huntzshell hopes, and Harder says: “These aren’t stars, but it always makes a big difference when you can use the appropriate app to predict when and when Where will you be. Appear.”

Even during the day the search can be done in the sky with self-made telescopes with high magnification.

© Ulla Hein x

Apart from ISS sightings and shooting stars, Star Mitras is also looking forward to good weather. “The last three times we always had rain, but that was often in the spring,” says Huntzshell. With the new date, only the second time in October, the prospects will be better. It starts at about 8, the end of the free program is open – those who are interested stay for several hours. “Some ask surprisingly detailed questions, so you can tell they’ve already tackled the topic,” Harder and Huntzshell discovered. Some even brought their binoculars or binoculars.

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But newcomers are also welcome to taste the hobby, because in addition to viewing through binoculars, they also want to share their knowledge.

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