Starihof. A separate room for craft beer from

Starihof.  A separate room for craft beer from

At the Starihof in Aibel, beer-making is given its own space so that those interested in the craft can experience and learn the art of brewing in a one-day seminar.

AIBL/Eibiswald. It has been almost 90 years since the Götz beer brewery ceased operations in Eibiswald. Since 2019, Martin Jobstal Sen. and June. Revive this tradition with a passion for the craft. “We love the experience of fruit growing and viticulture,” insists Martin Jobstl Sr., who runs Jobstl parent company with his wife Linde and son Martin. starihof Leads.

with a passion for beer

Beer making is a craft that, according to German purity law, is done with only hops, malt and water (over 90 percent). Yeast was introduced later. “Our water is so soft that we don’t even have to treat it at all—which makes us feel great when it comes to brewing,” agrees Jobstles.
The philosophy behind it? “Brewing beer is a craft that we love to pursue at Starihof. So we have established a very small but fine Court Brewery here, in which we produce a manageable amount of craft beer,” says Martin Jobstal Sr. “Staribru” is now available in three varieties: Light, Dark and Exotic. This year’s award at Falstaff as the second most popular microbrewery in the country reaffirms this philosophy.

Hops and malt, may god preserve it

For increasing knowledge about beer making, Martin Jobstal June. Completed training as a Beer Sommelier in 2019. “Now I’m aiming for qualified attendants,” says Martin Jobstall Jr. in advance. In the future, Starihof would like to share this knowledge with those interested in the Day Brewing Course. For this purpose, a new room has been built which includes the inner courtyard in the Starihof.

a place for great craftsmanship

Inside the room, the panorama window is just as impressive, as is an iconic combination of modern design and brushed vintage wood, which with indirect lighting sets the stenciled forms in view. “We’ve only hired professionals in this field. If the chemistry fits so well with the artisans, great things can come,” says Martin Jobstal, thanking the professionals, especially those of Soboth. Hans Enzi, who was in charge of the plan.
By the way: Buschenschank is open until the end of November, so you can certainly take a look at the seminar room of the future, which has already been well received by private parties.

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Cheers with Staribru: Martin Jobstal Sen.  With Linde and son Martin
With the new building, the inner courtyard in the Starihof is now self-contained.
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