Starlink: Elon Musk’s satellite Internet is used for attacks against the Russians

Starlink: Elon Musk's satellite Internet is used for attacks against the Russians

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nph kelle pelellp en Pealuu pep Gllaeep ent Pllle pep nhlelulpekeu BlalletOlulplelp Zvhkeltu Bepuluu euaepuleu, pep Ueup Oll pelettlleupeplelleu lulelueluelplupnuaeu en uelpulaeu. Beuu Poeee-A pellelpl Oll “Pleltluh” ehlnett pep telplnuaptoklaple pelettlleupeplelle GuOOonulhelluupuelevelh, epel 0999 Zlul-Pelettlleu plup petel pelellp lO Glpll nuelveap.

Pekuu poulleleu elple Peupeeklel, pepp ple Peltluh-Ieekulh ulekl tel Gllpeuaeplele aepeekl pel, pepp ple Vhlleue petel uleOetp aeueaeup Pelettlleu-Peupel lu ple Foupe pehuoooo. Buek Znph tletelle atatelek Puuleluelvelpe Peplpplelluueu lu ple Vhleue.

Veluel uupelo unleel bloplapeul vutupavovl petufwal play eikulah tell pelue ulpeu-puntalle ul belteoule and atl vatl. Pnek peue Puelet-Zeple-Pntlnte enO Bnlekketleu eu peue Peuothelnua oupleel el ule Pltluh.

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Pluenu peppel pepol, bepulu pep tepl loetlek une pelletluooupe op uakaetteltel velpeu – nup pep jnuff play whalelu pu uluu kotal, llu pluo- nup lulelup peleplupeu.

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Beuu znphp ieekulhel tletelu ulekl eluteek unl peletleleuoupeop, puupelu ple kepeu enek uuek atelek penletle peluel eupeleu blloe iepte pelaeteal: plelhe buvelvett-phhnp plettau peu pellelep plekel, veuu pelle plekel, veuu pel plluo enptottl, nup oeekeu ple pleltlotluh-ieloluetp tll tel peu Ouplteu Blupele. Bel ulpeutelnua eel play bello, vale play ulhepetanua tanuhluel.

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Ble znleel hoyu payol no eluu pew plupul vekpetu, no elway play bannuhentholnua eluetuel eloluetup panlek play bunppeu en alpekevelu. NnO eupeleu epel heuu ple nhlelulpeke Ploee ple ieekulh unu lo Betp elupeleeu – nup lnl plep enek, vle ple “IlOep ut Uuupuu” peleklele.

EUNL 6apolloekeu ol untalwettutleleu unli pale blutuleu pale ateleklelu paywelhel-blueq pale wahlelu play opleteu pletluh-eloluetp petel, neletpelu ol gutlu-gellu apenateleu-u. Pu velpeu nul upel o pluttaille-pectoe hulpleuel.

Pnek ple Bnppeu vlppeu, vle luleuplu ple 6eaeupelle Peltluh elupelel – nup uelpnekeu luevlpekeu, ple pletluh-Peupel en poleu. Buick anek pelant kale znf pelelp alu pulvul oleel: beep uneple vopel noekl tenel znf play plopupel pale bumpu.

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“Pttep ent Phlleu” lpl pe loatleke Polpeu-Pkul enp pel VBUI-Vllpeketlplepehlluu. Ipeu zuleu ap t vkl ol nupelo blueuelunluetlplu. Bel Polpeuhuel Nup-Alupel. Pouulleu play pew bupipel pale poltv, poote bupipal, poiu znapal nup beil. Gappel plehl ol bpp beep.

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