Steam Deck Postponed: Valve’s Handheld No longer Released This Year

Steam Deck Postponed: Valve's Handheld No longer Released This Year

Valve pre-orders are currently receiving notifications that the Steam deck’s release has been delayed by two months. Basically, the initial pre-orders were supposed to be mobile handheld in their hands this year. The delay can be attributed to global chip shortages.

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Components are also missing in the valve

Valve claims it tried to address problems with global supply chains, but ultimately failed and some components were unavailable. In the email Valve doesn’t go into detail as to which components of the Steam deck are specifically responsible for the delay. As a result, the company is no longer able to meet the initial release period. Based on current estimates, Valve says that Steam Deck will be shipping from February 2022.

All pre-orders go back 2 months

Starting in February 2022, Valve will supply the first pre-orders, as the date only refers to the start of the registration queue. Since all reservation holders hold their respective positions in the delivery, the delivery of all subsequent orders is accordingly postponed. At the start of pre-sales, Valve repeatedly made it possible to pre-order Steam decks with time delays, although the planned delivery for many pre-orders was not until 2022. In order to also notify these customers of when to expect their Steam decks, Valve On is looking to adjust the reservation dates for all pre-orders shortly. Customers should be notified as soon as a new delivery date for their order becomes available.

We apologize again for not meeting the original shipping deadline.


New orders only in the second quarter of 2022

As of the current situation, Valve does not want to accept new orders for Steam Deck until the second quarter of 2022 at the earliest.

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For more information on updated availability of orders and frequently asked questions, Steam deck shop page ready,

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