Storm again challenges emergency services: Steyr floods again

Storm again challenges emergency services: Steyr floods again

The storm damage of the previous few days was soon recaptured, with the next storm surge moving into the city and surrounding area as Steyr. The storm, accompanied by heavy rain and two-centimeter diameter hail, put an end to the scorching heat on Saturday evening and again challenged the emergency services. Local flooding occurred as a result of large amounts of rainfall in a short period of time. Once again, flooded basements had to be pulled out, minor mud removed and traffic routes cleared again.

more than 50 uses within an hour

According to local weather observers, it was a slow-moving, strong typhoon complex, with the foothills extending from Perg and Green in Lower Austria through the Haag to Kirchdorf an der Krems. More than 50 fire brigade operations were reported within an hour from the southern central region of Upper Austria. Steyer was mainly affected in and around the city. For example, there were several alarms in Garston, where more than 20 fire brigades were on duty in the afternoon due to a massive fire. Just last week there was a flood in Steyr, and the flood alarm was triggered.

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Thunderstorm warning on Sunday

The Hydrographic Service also reported a large amount of rainfall from Perg district in the evening. According to ZAMG, a thunderstorm warning is in effect across Upper Austria until midnight, after which it should remain largely dry. Also, there is a risk of thunderstorms throughout Upper Austria on Sunday. After the residual clouds and areas of early fog have broken through, the sun often continues to shine through the afternoon. In the second half of the day, cumulus clouds spread over the mountains and hilly region, there is a possibility of thunderstorms for the first time soon. In the late afternoon and evening, sometimes there may be thunderstorms from west side. Moderate to strong wind blowing from east to south. The starting temperature ranges from 14 to 19 degrees, with the maximum values ​​reaching 25 to 29 degrees.

Assignments in Salzburg

Several fire brigade operations also took place during a thunderstorm in the state of Salzburg on Saturday evening. particularly strong regen And from Sturmben initially there were Pingau and Pongau. Emergency services cleared landslides, removed fallen trees, pulled out basements and cleared flooded roads. The B 164 had to be closed between Mahlbach and Bischofshofen (Pongau) due to mudslides.

Bischofshofen / Beige. St. Johann im Pongau / Zell am c. Notified the Salzburg Fire Brigade Association that firefighters were able to free the vehicles that were still between the mudslides on the B164. In addition to Mhlbach and Bischofshofen, Zell am See, Dienten, Schwarzach, St. Veit and St. The municipalities of Joe were also affected by the storm front as of 9 p.m. By this time, there were seven fire tenders operating at about 20 locations with about 100 members.

This article will be updated as more information becomes available.

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