Strange Knocking Noise: Injured Cat scratches window pane and asks for help

Strange Knocking Noise: Injured Cat scratches window pane and asks for help
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A stray tomcat knocks on a woman’s window and asks her for help – and so can just be saved. He threatened to freeze to death outside.

Quebec – A woman from Quebec, Canada, met an unusual guest at her window. When it suddenly became stubborn Knocked on the window, He looked and saw one Badge. He was with her with his velvet claws help Asked – and was saved just in time.

Stray Tomatoes: The body was awash with pests and bite marks

Canada Does wire He apparently knew that he would get the support of the people. Recently there is a feline who went to the hospital shortly before giving birth (* FR report). Because outside in Quebec it was so cold that the hangover was loud There were already chilblains on the body.

The woman he met was a volunteer Cat rescue organization One cat at a time. So he got the idea to give a photo of the poor to the organization’s founder Mary Simrad. cat To send him with a request to help him. Mary was surprised by Simard’s kingdom cat.

“It broke my heart,” he said Then came the orange Badge In Veterinary Clinic. It soon became clear to those vets that help was for them cat Just arrived in time. The animal was covered with fleas and ticks as well as bite marks.

Cat “Aslan” was still lucky.

© Mary Simmer /

Cat “Aslan”: The foster mother wants to keep her forever

Also, many of the cat’s teeth were rotten and he had Frostbite Had to suffer Go astray cat’s There are similar problems, but not all are as fortunate as “Aslan” – this is what the Vets called him, based on the film “The Chronicles of Narnia”.

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After treatment, cat “Aslan” came to a foster mother, however, he wanted to keep her forever. There are also many stray cats in Germany. The German Animal Welfare Association estimates their number to be two million. Some communities are blocking them cat’sTo prevent their spread. * Fr Nationwide is part of the Ippen Digital Editorial Network.

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