Strasbourg earthquake was also felt in the Rottweil area

Strasbourg earthquake was also felt in the Rottweil area

The earthquake shook Strasbourg on Friday evening around 7.30pm – and apparently still being felt. As reported by, users of Ortonau district’s locations, but even further, reported. According to this, earthquakes were also felt in the cities of Horb, Rottwill and Rutlingen, which are sometimes more than 100 kilometers from the epicenter. In some rooms it shocked a home community.

There was an earthquake in the Suffelweyersheim area near Strasbourg on Friday evening. Swiss Seismological Service Reports it with a power of 3.6, Southwest Earthquake Service With 3.5. according to this Erdenewesday It is a series of earthquakes at the geothermal power plant near Strasbourg.

According to readers, this can be felt in rooms near Rottwill. “Everything shook and vibrated for a few seconds, scared us to death,” reports a reader. The four sides of the house immediately informed each other that it was “scary and powerful”. You can also hear the glasses clink.

Online Such messages are: “Rottweil, apartment building, fourth floor, sudden, violent tremors of the entire building.” And: “Rottwill, lying on the couch. The sofa vibrated. My cabinet was a tremble. Duration about 2-3 seconds. No damage, nothing dropped. (Intensity IV)”

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