Strongest playing time – top left

Strongest playing time - top left

This time from Christmas to Epiphany it’s even quieter. Let’s look at this positively – and shout “ZEEH” out loud at home.

by Claus-Dieter Votruba

Photo: Uwe Moosburger

Regensburg.We live in the most resilient ever. If a game between two teams is scheduled for the morning, it does not mean that it will actually be played in the evening. The blame, of course, is the virus. Of course, we use the scientifically correct, factual form so as not to assign any gender-related flaws. This too is dangerous these days.

In any case, the longest time of play is between Christmas and Epiphany. The Four Hills tournament, lots of ice hockey, indoor soccer and a massive kick day in England – the event was clearer than usual. Now even more so: indoor soccer is broken, the Premier League follows the procedure outlined in the first paragraph, and the Spengler Cup, one of the most traditional ice hockey tournaments among them, does not even take place.

Four Hills tournament. Without an audience, of course. But let’s do what’s most important these days: stay positive (if we choose to be negative otherwise). Finally, it is time to end the 20 years of leanness since Germany’s previous victory. And so the fans in Oberstdorf do not stand on ski jumps, but at home with their upper bodies leaning forward in front of the screen and have to shout loud enough that their local hero, the violinist Karl, can hear it. “ज़िइइइइइह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्, or say the experiment to be using to be and others)

READ  Four Hills Tournament: Duels of the Germans in Garmisco

And ice hockey even includes the Junior World Championship in place of the good old Spengler Cup. Well, because of Canada’s time difference, that means getting up in the night to watch the Germans who have done well against Finland and beat the Czech Republic. But on New Year’s Eve, the Derby New Year’s Eve has a great menu at its best from 8 p.m. when it pits against neighboring Austria. You can also watch it live on this major German telephone provider broadcaster, albeit not for free. You just have to know how to help, right?

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