Study by KU Leuven: Autoimmune diseases increase the risk of heart diseases

Study by KU Leuven: Autoimmune diseases increase the risk of heart diseases

It was shown that the risk of developing heart disease in patients with autoimmune disease is 1.56 times higher on average. The risk increases when multiple autoimmune diseases occur together. Diseases at highest risk include systemic sclerosis, Addison’s disease, as well as lupus and type 1 diabetes.

Overall, the impact of autoimmunity on heart health appears to be greater than previously thought, the research team shared. The additional risk of developing cardiovascular disease is most pronounced in patients with autoimmune disease and is also found in those younger than 55 years of age.

“We see that the additional risk is comparable to that for type 2 diabetics. But while specific measures are taken to reduce the risk of heart disease in patients with diabetes, this is not the case in patients with autoimmune disease”, research The leader says Nathalie Conrad (Ku Leuven). “These results show that we should act”.

The research will be presented later this week at the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology and published in The Lancet.

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