Subway scam? No Tuna DNA in Tuna Sandwiches

Subway scam?  No Tuna DNA in Tuna Sandwiches

If Tuna is written on it, is it Tuna too? Thought …

According to media reports, there’s not even a little bit of tuna on the tuna sandwich from the Subway fast food chain!

at least that’s what they say “new York Times”: According to this, a reporter bought 1.5m tuna sandwiches (between five and ten pieces) from various Subway stores in the USA and sent them to a lab for testing.

Researchers’ results: Terrible. Because: They couldn’t find tuna DNA on any of the sandwiches.

“There are really only two options,” the lab examined various sandwich samples. “First, sandwich toppings may have been processed so heavily that it’s no longer possible to identify what’s in it. Or it never had tuna in it.”

The reason for the report in the “New York Times” is a lawsuit filed earlier this year by two Subway guests. The two had ordered a tuna sandwich at a fast food chain store and were of the opinion that the sandwiches were “completely without tuna as an ingredient”. A Subway spokeswoman denied this and accused the plaintiffs of damaging the company’s reputation.

The controversy attracted a lot of attention, especially in the United States: Subway has about 40,000 branches worldwide, more than half of which are in the United States.

However, the television station also did “Inside Version” In February 2021, samples were sent for analysis from various metro shops. At this time, the tuna ratio was found in all samples in the laboratory.

AND: Experts suspect — even if the allegations are true — that Subway is at fault. For example, Dave Rudy, head of fisherman Catalina Offshore Products, told the Times: “I don’t think the sandwich shop will knowingly sell the wrong product. You buy tuna in a can that also has ‘tuna’ written on it. If so, it is the fault of the suppliers.”

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