Summer House Reunion Rises – All Against Stephen Durr and Katherine

Stephen Durr
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of: Jonas Erbas

There’s a big reunion at the end of the current “Summer House of the Stars” season. Zoff moved on to the next round from the RTL show. Stefan and Katharina Durr are said to have faced particularly harsh criticism.

Cologne – “summer house of stars“This year either did not disappoint the RTL audience’s expectations of the reality format: there was fierce fighting, bullying and fighting – fans were even able to experience the breakup in front of the camera, thanks to a relationship dispute with Eric Sinderman (34). Thanks Ex-Girlfriend Legend (27). Well, after the end of the 7th season, there was a big reunion, with Stephen (48) and Katharina Durr (39) in particular having a tough time.

“Summer Home of the Stars” reunion goes ahead – Stefan Durr takes on Mario Besler

this year’s provisional final meeting Candidate “Summer House of Stars” RTL shows only after the TV broadcast of the final, but build.d Thanks to an insider, he is said to have known in advance what the audience would see at the big reunion. In the run-up, there should have been an agreement between some of the participants in which they determined what they would go for – including the Duers!

Stephen Durr
Stephen and Katharina Durr have already faced the abyss several times in “Summer House of the Stars” and sometimes experience difficult times. But the excitement didn’t end there: at the big reunion, other candidates were targeting the couple (photomontage) © Screenshot/RTL/RTL+/Das Sommerhaus der Stars & RTL/RTL+

After that separately we went for shooting, where not only this Eric Sinderman’s Misconduct Discussions ensued, but Stephan and Katharina also blew the march properly. Until then, according to a production employee with regards to the tabloids, the conversation was mostly “fair”, but in the end the 48-year-old actor and Summer House arch-enemy Mario Basler (53) said: “The two hit each other’s hair.” engaged in (…). Basler saw himself as a more important figure, said that he had been a national player. Durr defended himself against it. Basler went mad.”

Do you want a holiday in the “summer house of stars”?

When “The Summer House of the Stars” isn’t being filmed at Boucholt’s farmhouse, you can actually rent the accommodation that has been used as the backdrop for the RTL show since 2020. Built in 1906, the home is actually far more comfortable than the couple’s format. Because in order not to make it too easy for celebrities, an RTL team designs accommodations according to stuffed animals or dirty dishes. The summer house can be booked for as little as 80 euros per night. With a well-known ratings portal, the house in Westmünsterland does not do so badly with a score of 7.1 out of 10.

Stephen Durr insulted at “Summer House of the Stars” meeting – “It was pure bullying”

Stephen Durr was actually comparatively less guilty in “Summer House of the Stars.” But his relaxed, sometimes arrogant manner made the camel overflow: The former “Unter Uns” actor had to put up with serious animosity (“Ass”, “Sneaky”) before his Katharina intervened – but in vain: “She was almost yelled at the ground by others, it was pure bullying”, Quoted is production worker.

“The fact that no fighting borders on Miracle!”, concluded the insider. RTL icon Frauke Ludovig (58), who spearheaded the summer house reunion, is said to have had to intervene more, given the hot climate. Meanwhile, after the end of the RTL show other candidates drew their own conclusions: So leave. Patrick Romer (26) “Bauer Such Frau” Star Antonia (22) After “Accounting” Summer House Misconduct Feather. Sources used:,, “The Summer House of the Stars” (RTL/RTL+; Season 7)

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