Summer is starting – Trailer, description and date for version 2.8

Summer is starting - Trailer, description and date for version 2.8

miHoYo today announced version 2.8 of “Genshin Impact”. Find out now what you can really expect and when the time comes.

New versions of the anime role-playing game “Genshin Impact” appear at regular intervals. Every so often, it provides all kinds of new content to keep players entertained and the story going.

Now version 2.8 is just around the corner. Feather playstationblog Technical Director Announced: On July 13, players can claim updates to the new version. Also, he gave a perspective on the content to be added.

Various programs and more

Like last summer, you can also participate in this event”summer odysseyParticipate. You will experience new stories and face unknown scenarios. You can earn many rewards, including many treasure chests. There is also a chance to get the four-star character Fischl, including his latest outfit.

Are you going this summer?Golden Apple Archipelago“You have so much to explore. The development team has redesigned every single island, which is why you’ll encounter, among other things, new puzzles.

Depending on the season, you will be allowed to travel – alone or with friends. cooperative planningreminder system‘ brings with it three game modes in which you need teammates. Otherwise, you face a steep challenge with the Waverider.

Other events are: “With reference toresonating sight“You can collect special shells on the beaches. Once you reach a certain number, you can exchange them for Fischl’s new outfit.

Then some characters you’ll find in version 2.8:

  • Diluka
  • Kadehara Kazuha
  • Shikanoin Heizou (a new playable character)
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Heizou Tenryyou is a young detective on the commission. Their abilities are especially useful in solving crimes. This is the first melee trigger user. You’ll learn more about that in the hangout event.

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Finally, a note for PS Plus members: The Plus Pack will be updated with the release of version 2.8. Get it on July 13th to own some bonus content.

In addition to the written information, miHoYo has also provided a trailer:

more news about jenshin effect,

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