Kittifan Teravattankul / EyeEm / Getty Images
Sun Protection Factor (SPF) measures how far a sunscreen blocks UVB radiation from your skin.
But the higher the SPF, the less protection the agent will provide against UVA radiation.
It is best to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen which also protects you from UVA radiation. SPF 15 is ideal for everyday use.
With so many options these days, how do you find the remedy that best protects you from sunburn? The first step is to check SPF, which is short for Sun Protection Factor. On many packaging it is also referred to as “SPF” for English “Sun Protection Factor”.
Most experts recommend an SPF of 30 or higher if you spend a lot of time in direct sunlight. However, a higher sun protection factor does not necessarily mean higher overall protection. Here’s what you need to know about it.
SPF measures protection against UVB radiation
Sun protection factor is a measure of how much UVB radiation the sunscreen protects your skin from. Most sunscreens are designed to block two types of harmful UV radiation, both of which can lead to skin cancer:
- UVA rays that penetrate deeply and cause wrinkles, dark spots and premature ageing.
- UVB rays that cause sunburn and tan.
But that doesn’t mean a higher SPF is better. In fact, “protection against UVA decreases with increasing SPF because of the way the protective ingredients in sunscreens interact, which is why SPF 100 is not recommended,” says Orit Markowitz, who is in New York City. Head of the Skin Cancer Center at Mount Sinai Hospital. York.
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How to Choose the Right SPF
According to skin cancer foundation Sunscreen with SPF 15 is the best option for a normal summer day. It is ideal for walking the dog or running errands. However, if you plan on doing outdoor activities like hiking or swimming, you should definitely use SPF 30.
Make sure you are using broad-spectrum sunscreen. Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB rays. if you wont “broad spectrum” On the label or something similar, sunscreen may not protect you from UVA rays.
How to choose the right sunscreen
It is best to avoid aerosol sunscreens, ie sprays. Because researchers have found that most people who use sunscreen sprays only apply 25 percent of what they need. According to Harvard Medical School You’ll need to spray every area – legs, feet, back, arms, shoulders – for six seconds to get enough coverage.
Instead of sprays, choose thick lotions and wear them 15 minbefore going outside, so that they can get into your skin.
No matter what sun protection factor you use, you should renew your sunscreen every two hours if you spend a lot of time outside. Also, make sure the sunscreen is waterproof if you know you are sweating. However, “waterproof” does not mean that the product can withstand all types of water. You should also renew protection after swimming or bathing.
It’s best to be extra careful when you’re out. For example, wear protective clothing such as long sleeves or a wide-brimmed hat. And if possible, avoid sunlight during prime sun hours, which are usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
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This article was translated from English by Stephen Bose. you can find the original Here.
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