Surprise at “Crying Rosen”: Tatjana decides for this man

Surprise at "Crying Rosen": Tatjana decides for this man

🌹rot Rosen Preview: Tatjana finally makes a decision. It is run by Janssen Bhai. More information in TAG24.

Lunenberg – Tatjana is completely insecure and she does not know whether to live with Thomas or give her love to Paul. In the end, only one of the two Jensen brothers can race.

"Red rose": Paul's indifferent behavior makes Tejana very irritated.

“Crying Rosen”: Tatjana is deeply irritated by Paul’s callous behavior. © Image montage: ARD / Nicole Menthe

As the ARD “Rotten Rosen” preview shows, the eternal emotional chaos of self-confident Tatjana (Judith Seabrook) will soon cease.

After the drama of her husband Andreas’s double life, she finally finds a safe haven in Paul Johnson (Gerry Hungabour). If only it wasn’t for his half-brother, Paul (Leander Lichti), who turned his head too much.

A passionate kiss and Paul’s revelations of his deep feelings throw Tatyana away from the track quite a bit. But one thing is certain for her: She wants to be happy with Thomas and Paul must accept it.

He is obviously hurt, he really means it honestly. A lawyer sympathetic to Canada, he sadly leaves his stepbrother Thomas the field. But that too kills Tatjana.

She becomes more and more aware of how much Paul really means to her. He feels that there is no way to proceed in this way. With this knowledge she finally makes a decision: Tatjana separates from Thomas.

"Red rose": Tatjana and Paul finally becoming a couple.

“Crying Rosen”: Tatjana and Paul eventually become a couple. © ARD / Nicole Menthe

Thomas can’t believe it. If he was still happy, his girlfriend Tanjana suddenly pulls and rips and leaves him completely out in the rain.

Of course, the injured former Mayor of Lüneburg suspects that his handsome stepbrother, Paul, is the reason for the separation.

He assures Thomas that he has finished with Tatjana. Now he has no one instead of two men. Instead Mona (Jan Hora-Goosman) but a good friend from her side who makes every effort to get Tatjana, who is suffering from Premjal, for other ideas.

But when it comes to big love, the last word has not yet been spoken. ARD “Crying Rosen” episode 3328 reveals that Tatjana and Paul can finally find each other and enjoy their love.

The new “Rote Rosen” episodes deliver new content from the popular Telenovela of Lüneburg from 2.10pm Monday to Friday.

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