Most German citizens want politicians to do more to improve infrastructure in rural areas. These are the results of a Forsa survey by RTL and n-tv, which was published on Wednesday. Overall, 86 percent of the people surveyed have this opinion.
Farmer with tractor, via DTS News Agency
Possible improvements include, for example, measures for schools, doctors, police or the Internet in rural areas. Only nine percent consider previous measures and projects to be sufficient. 52 percent of those surveyed are of the opinion that politics in Germany is too oriented towards the needs of the people in the big cities and ignores the interests of the people in the rural areas.
36 percent do not share this impression. respondents from East Germany (63 percent), respondents from small communities with less than 5,000 residents (72 percent) and supporters of the FDP (66 percent) and AFD (79 percent). 77 percent of the people surveyed believe that the economy should be given more boost than before in the structurally weak areas. Twelve percent think it’s not necessary.
Forsa interviewed 1,001 people from September 10-13 for the survey.