Suspected neo-Nazi caught: Woman killed in knife attack in Sweden

Suspected neo-Nazi caught: Woman killed in knife attack in Sweden

Alleged neo-Nazi arrested
Woman killed in knife attack in Sweden

A political meeting is being held on the Swedish Baltic Sea island of Gotland, while a woman was killed in a knife attack a short distance away. According to rumours, the perpetrator has links with a well-known right-wing extremist group.

A woman has been killed in a knife attack on Sweden’s Baltic Sea island of Gotland, where the country’s leaders are meeting. According to Swedish police, a nearly 60-year-old woman was stabbed and died at lunch in the town of Visby. A 33-year-old man has been arrested.

Gotland police chief Fredrik Persson said: “I regret to report that a woman has died from her injuries.” The 33-year-old was arrested soon after the incident. The police chief did not want to comment on the possible motive of the criminal. Person further said that many questions arose. After all, the attack took place in the afternoon at a well-known square in the city center, where many people were present at the time.

“We’ll see if our surveillance cameras pick up on anything interesting,” police spokesman Ola Osterling said. “One of the most important questions is certainly whether it is related to Almaden week. So far I have not received any information that it has anything to do with the event.” Almedlen Week is an annual gathering in Visby with political and business leaders from Sweden in early July.

According to “Göteborg-Posten”, the suspect has not yet been punished and was questioned for the first time on Wednesday. The newspaper “Expression” reported that the suspect allegedly had links to the neo-Nazi group Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR), which was initially not confirmed by investigators. Police Chief Fredrik Persson could neither confirm nor deny this at this time: “It is too early to tell.” The interrogation of both the accused is still on.

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