Sweden: Meteorite found near Stockholm

Sweden: Meteorite found near Stockholm

The remains of a meteorite near Stockholm a few months ago have been found in Sweden. The sky spectacle caused a stir at that time.

Two swades discovered an iron meteorite weighing about 14 kg. This is the alleged main piece of meteorite impact on 7 November, as announced by Stockholm-based Natural History Museum.

Two private individuals interested in a meteorite, the geologist of the capital, make a rare discovery near Encoping in the northwest Stockholm Built it and handed over to the museum. According to the museum, this is the first time in 60 years that a meteorite was observed when it crashed Sweden have got it.

The materiorite had an estimated weight of nine tons.

On 7 November a ball of fire was seen by many people in the Swedish region which lit up the sky for about three seconds. Of Astronomer Eric Stamples of Uppsala University then calculated the approximate impact location, where small fragments of an iron meteorite were later found.

The piece now discovered is 30 cm long and arguably the largest part of the celestial body, weighing nine tons when it entered the atmosphere and then burned. Some small parts are still suspected in the area.

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