Table sugar is probably harmful to liver

Table sugar is probably harmful to liver

The general recommendation is not to consume too much sugar for health reasons. But domestic sugar is apparently particularly harmful, namely the common mixture of fruits and grape sugar. This is what Swiss researchers have found in a study with different sweeteners of lemonade.

The term table sugar is not used for the type of sugar that is commonly used in homes, but for sucrose. According to this, table sugar contains grapes and fructose. And this stress is obviously particularly harmful to health.

Domestic sugar is harmful – according to the study

According to this, table sugar is harmful because it increases the risk of being in one. Fatty liver To fall ill And twice as strong as other types of sugar. Employees of various departments at University Hospital Zurich want to know this. The reason for this is that the combination of fructose and grape sugar significantly stimulates the production of fat in the liver.

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One liter lemonade a day with different types of sugar

The investigation is in the journal “Journal of Hepatology“be released. 126 generally healthy, adult males participated. They are said to have been divided into one of four groups.

Three of the test groups had the same task: they were about to drink about one liter of lemonade a day over a period of seven weeks. The same amount of sugar in all sods was 80 grams, but the type of sugar used was different. Lemonade was sweetened with grape sugar for group one, two with fructose for group and table sugar with group sugar, i.e. a mixture of both.

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Group four served as a control group and found no lemonade to drink.


The study authors found evidence of an early fatty liver in test subjects who consumed 80 grams of table sugar daily through their lemonade. He explained this by the fact that domestic sugar is said to have increased fat production within the liver. They claim that this effect has also been observed in the fructose group, although this is much lower than in the domestic sugar group.

On the other hand, dextrose is said to have had no effect on the liver. Nothing was observed in the control group.

Fatty liver and sugar – a underestimated relationship

Whether it is table sugar or other types of sugar or refined carbohydrates – this consumption can promote the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver, which is generally well known. Instead, a person brings sugar with risk. Mellitus diabetes (“Diabetes”) in relation to, and certainly with, obesity. The first signs of fatty liver disease may also be present in those who cannot be expected from a visual standpoint, as they are not (yet) overweight.

Also interesting: Is maple syrup a healthy sugar substitute?

The upper limit for sugar consumption depends on the amount of exercise

What is the maximum daily sugar consumption? It ultimately depends on how much you move. FITBOOK spoke in detail with Uwe Schröder, a qualified nutrition scientist at the German Institute for Sports Nutrition. According The article (“Symptoms that show you eating too much sugar”) can be found here.

For volatile sedentary activities, it should not contain more than 50 grams of sugar a day. This assessment matches the official recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO).

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