Tailwind for Apple – iTopnews.de – Latest Apple news and discounts on iPhone, iPad and Mac

Tailwind for Apple - iTopnews.de - Latest Apple news and discounts on iPhone, iPad and Mac

Harvard Business Review supports Apple’s anti-tracking measures.

In a new article on the subject, the magazine shoots exclusively against Facebook. Statements by social networks against anti-tracking features that will soon be part of iOS 14 are misleading.

Are Small Businesses Harming Apple?

For example, Facebook claims that disclosure of Apple’s use of advertising IDs, which can track user behavior beyond the Facebook app, troubles small businesses.

In doing so, Facebook is mixing two things: revenue from advertising and revenue from advertising. While Facebook maintains that small businesses need to be built in the former, it is often the latter.

Yes, small businesses advertise on Facebook and benefit from advertising IDs that track users. But these users should not be the ones who eventually buy the product. In many cases, despite advertising, a loyal user base makes up the bulk of small business revenue shopping elsewhere.

Study data exposed as incorrect

In support of its claims, Facebook cites a Deloitte study that found that more small businesses were using online advertising during the epidemic.

This has been exposed as false by the post – which makes the allegations already against Apple on Facebook even worse.

Via 9to5Mac/ Photo: Pixabay

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