Taliban bans “immoral” films with women

Taliban bans "immoral" films with women

The radical Islamist Taliban have been implementing their radical interpretation of Sharia law since coming to power in Afghanistan. They don’t stop at film and television content either.

In Afghanistan The ruling is radical Islamist Taliban Far-reaching restrictions were imposed on television content. TV stations are no longer allowed to show movies or series featuring women or Islamic figures Shariat or refute Afghan values. This is what it says in a ministry directive for the promotion of virtue and prevention issued to television stations on Sunday. Ministry spokesman Mohammad Sadiq Asif confirmed the instructions on Monday.

As per the directive, telecast of domestic or foreign films that spread foreign cultures and traditions and cause immorality in Afghan society should be stopped. Also, no one should be offended in entertainment programs. Presenters or journalists are also allowed to attend, but must wear an Islamic hijab.

Turkish, Indian and Iranian soap operas are particularly popular in Afghanistan, while American series or films are shown less frequently. Conservatives and clerics in the country had already repeatedly criticized these programs, in which women, for example, chose their own spouses. The series seduced the youth, it was said. Satire programs are also very popular in Afghanistan. For example, weekly broadcasts condemned the former government. ashraf ghaniCorrupt officers or army.

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