Tengelmann Group moves its headquarters to Munich

Tengelmann Group moves its headquarters to Munich

DIn other words Tengelmann Group will move its headquarters from Mülheim an der Ruhr to Munich. This move and further steps were decided by shareholders, who agreed on a long-term cooperation, as Tengelmann announced on Thursday. The relocation of the group headquarters to Munich follows the parent company’s realignment as a strategic holding company that was started more than two years ago, which for example was redesigned, streamlined and redesigned to include project offices. has been expanded.

Christian Hub (57), who had taken the family parts of his mortally wounded brother a few weeks earlier Karl-Erivan Haub was acquired, will continue to pursue future plans for the further growth of the group as a managing partner over the next few years. On the other hand, George Haub (59) will move the main focus of his activity to the United States, where he will, among other things, take care of real estate development for the company. Christian and George Haub also worked on coordinated plans for generation change at Tengelmann.

Christian Haub owns about two-thirds in one of the largest German family-owned companies, Georg Haub holds one-third of the shares. Traditional retail groups include, for example, the DIY chain OBI and Textile Discounter. Who. Tengelmann also has extensive real estate activities and a number of venture investments. According to the company, Christian Hub has been the sole managing partner of Tengelmann Holding since 2018.

Karl-Erivan Hobb does not return from a ski tour in Zermatt, Switzerland in April 2018. He was declared dead by the Cologne District Court in May 2021.

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