Tesla boss sells shares – back tax is getting expensive

Tesla boss sells shares - back tax is getting expensive

Elon Musk is currently selling his own company in a big way. Now the Tesla boss is indicating that it has gradually raised enough money to pay for the big tax back payment.

Elon Musk is aiming for ten percent of his Tesla shares Tesla Acti withdraw, achieve. “I sold enough shares to come to about ten percent, plus the options I exercised,” the Tesla boss said in an interview with the satire website “Babylon Bee”.

However, on Wednesday, he indicated that he may not make a full recovery. “Still a few slices left, but almost done,” he tweeted.

Musk, one of the world’s richest people and the largest shareholder of Tesla, has repeatedly caused a sensation over the past year as he swayed financial markets with his tweets. For the most part, it was about cryptocurrencies like Dodgecoin, which Musk recommended to his fans and followers on Twitter.

His vote on the short message service in early November was whether he should sell ten percent of his shares. Before the sale, Musk owned about 23 percent of Tesla, including stock options.

Musk previously said he would have to exercise a large number of stock options over the next three months, which would involve higher tax payments. Musk has sold more than $14 billion in shares since November. Shares of the US electric car maker rose 7.5 percent on Wednesday, valuing the company at just over $1 trillion.

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