Tesla stores worldwide: here you can test popular electric cars

Tesla stores worldwide: here you can test popular electric cars

Tesla is one of the most successful new car brands ever. You can find popular electric cars at Tesla stores worldwide. The American company now has 22 branches in Germany.

  • Tesla Store The city centers are characterized by their often unusual location.
  • in The showroom Current models are on display.
  • Tesla-Chef Elon Musk Resolved in January 2021 Jeff bezos As the richest man in the world.

Palo Alto – Elon Musk Is either visionary or insane. But one thing is beyond question: with her Tesla, she has been successful in increasing the demand for electric cars. Tesla is considered a status symbol worldwide Tesla Store Just don’t shoot in it America Like mushrooms from the ground. Me too Europe And Asia Demand is uncontrolled.

Tesla Store: Showroom und Service Center

Not just brand Tesla Different from the others because of the electric motor. other than this Tesla Store Stand out from the competition. Many Branches Are small The showroom In the heart of big cities. So there is Germany Among other things, the smaller Tesla stores on the venerable Kurfurstendamm in Berlin and on the high-end mi Holle Bletchen on Inner Ulster, Hamburg. Here customers can take a look at the current model, ask questions and arrange test drives. Other branches are located in a lush green field on the outskirts and include the Tesla Service Center.

Tesla stores in Germany

German Tesla Store And service center at a glance:

Berlin, Mall of Berlin (Leipziger Plzt), Service Center: No

Berlin, Kurfüstendam 26A, Service Center: No

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Berlin, Ludwig-Prantl-Str. 27-29, service center: yes

Bremen, Schwarzer Weig 4 (Ottesburg), Service Center: Yes

Düsseldorf, Bonner Str. 343-345, service center: yes

Frankfurt, Gro Bockenheim Str 50, Service Center: No

Frankfurt, Hanur Landstr. 551-555, service center: yes

Hamburg, Groamb Bleichen 10, Service Center: No

Hamburg, Heegbarg 31 (Alstertal), Service Center: No

Hamburg, Helbingvitte 4/8 (Wandsbeck), service center: yes

Hannover, M Mittelfeld 25, Service Center: Yes

Kiel, Killer Chaussé 17 (Getorf), Service Center: Yes

Cologne, Mittelstrasse 22, Service Center: No

Cologne, Schengenstrasse 20, Service Center: Yes

Leipzig, Shomburgarkstra 7, Service Center: No

Mannheim, Saarberger Ring 19-21, Service Center: Ja

Munich, Blumenstrasse 17, Service Center: No

Munich, Ria-Burke-Straसेe 5 (Freeham), Service Center: Yes

Nuremberg, Karolinstrasse 44, Service Center: No

Nuremberg, Thumbanger Web 10, Service Center: Yes

Stuttgart, Dorothenplatz 1, Service Center: No

Stuttgart, Motorstrasse 38, Service Center: Yes

Kirchheim am Kreuz also has a Tesla service center in München-Ost The showroom. Further service centers and Tesla stores are being planned.

Tesla Store in Europa

For many German customers, it can be easy to choose one of these Tesla Store To visit a city or to a neighboring country The showroom to use. The Tesla Store In the neighbor Europe At a glance:


Antwerp, Boomsteinweg 8 (Artseller)

Brussel, Leuvensteinsteinweg 373 (Zeventem)

Gantt, Cortijksteinweg 164 (Sint-Martens-Latum)

Hasselt, Herkendrodingel 77


Aarhus, Breadskifavage 20 D-F

Hilarode, Public Servants 8

Copenhagen, Kirstinj 43 (Custrup)


Aix-en-Provence, 1 Chamin des Peebles

Bordeaux, 21 rue de Thales

Chamber, 102 rue de la Crouza

Lille, 368 Innovation of Innovation

Lyon, 3 Chamin des Gorges

Nantes, 18 Avenue des Lions

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Nice, 119 Avenue des Alpes (Cognes-sur-Mer)

Paris Parley, 372 Center Commercial Parly-2 (Le Chesnay)

Paris Chamboursi, 10 Root de Mants (Chambourcy)

Paris Madeleine, 3 Boulevard Mallesarbs

Paris Velizi 2, 2 Avenue de l’Europe

Strasbourg, 3 rue Emile Mathis (H) nheim)

Toulouse, 26 Avenue du Louran (Colombo)


Luxembourg, 194 Route de Theoville


Amsterdam, PC Hoofdstraat 29

Amsterdam, Bergmeister Strowmanweg 122 (Southeast)

Arnhem, Geographer 32 (Pigeon)

The Hague, Neckar 16

Eindhoven, Boschdijk 1111

Groningen, Rostowevg 9

Pamarend, component onent४

Rotterdam, Driemanssteeweg 70

Tilburg, Atlastrat 7-9

Tilburg, Asteroid 1-7

Zwolle, Ring Road 46 (Vizep)


Graz, Magrastras 19

Linz, Bakerfeldresse 9

Salzburg, Holzlestraस्ट्रe 4 (Walls)

Vienna, Tech Park Vienna, Guthill-Schoder-Gess 17


Basel, Business Park Bata Hall 7 (Mohalin)

Basel, St. Albans-Graben 1

Bern, Zentweg 1

Cham, Loregenparkstraस्ट्रe 12

Chur, Kamredalstrad 32

Conti-Antzier, Route Cantonal 11

Jenf, Courts de Rive 10

Jenf, Rue du Pre de la Fontaine 10 (Mayerin)

Lausanne, Rue Port-Franc 17

Lugano, 11 Independence Square

Lucerne, Ringstras 19 (Creans)

St.Gallen, Zurcherstraईe 160

Zurich, Brandstrasse 51-55 (Shalin)

Zurich, Pelicanstrasse 10

Czech Republic

Prague, Freiva 95/10

Other Tesla Store Countries:

  • Croatia
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Great britain
  • The island
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Czech Republic

in Asia Huh Tesla Stores in Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan and the Chinese Special Administrative Region Macau and Hong Kong, as well as the United Arab Emirates and Jordan. In Oceania, there are New Zealand and Australia, and in North America, Canada, Mexico and the America. Home country Tesla now has more than 100 Branches Established.

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