That’s why you should always wash bananas before eating

Deshalb solltest du Bananen vor dem Essen immer abwaschen

Of course, everyone knows we wash an apple before eating it. baby, But do you know that we should also wash the banana before eating it. Here we tell you why.

The same applies to avocados, pomegranates and co.

That’s why you should always wash bananas

Whether with banana pancakes for breakfast or as a pre-dinner snack Play: hardly anyone else fruit type Banana is popular. But be forewarned: Anyone who thinks that peeling a banana before eating it is enough is wrong. In fact, you should always wash bananas beforehand!

Usually we eat the banana first by peeling it. However, hands are exposed to insecticides and fungicides through the peel. can easily get into the mouth and thus into our body, (Exactly why it’s so dangerous, we’ll explain at the end of the article) To make things worse, there’s also bacterial contamination from supermarkets. Because many people pick up the fruit and put it back on the shelf, that means bacteria on the hands are attached to the food.

The same applies to avocados, oranges, pomegranates and co! The contaminants can “hide” through the peel and get inside the fruit when you open it with a knife. Therefore fruits should always be cleaned thoroughly under running water. best you Then rub the fruit piece with a microfiber cloth far.

Wash your hands, don’t forget!

Not only should you wash the fruit, you should also wash your hands afterwards! Top most Children, Those who are licking their fingers even after eating bananas should be careful. But immunocompromised people and the elderly Can react very sensitively to pollutants.

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If you prefer bananas as a snack between meals and therefore don’t have a sink nearby, you should pay attention to quality when buying. Hence organically grown bananas are the best option. Because the investigation by the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (LAVES) have shown that the load of pesticides in organic form is quite low. Conventional varieties in particular were highly contaminated with chemicals during the investigation.

That’s why pesticides are so dangerous

The realization that pesticide residues negatively impact human health is not entirely new. environmental organization Global 2000 About 385 million people worldwide speak in new publications of pesticide poisoning. The effects on human health can vary greatly. Pesticides not only cause acute poisoning, but can also trigger chronic diseases. Studies have shown an association between pesticides and Parkinson’s disease and childhood leukemia. Pesticides are also associated with an increased risk of liver and breast cancer, type II diabetes and asthma, obesity and allergies.

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