The “Bauer Sucht Frau” Star With A Surprising Love Update

The "Bauer Sucht Frau" Star With A Surprising Love Update
born out "Farmer is looking for wife" The happiness of love was not found in the show, but now there is a possibility of a relationship.

Björn from “Bauer Sucht Frau” did not find the joy of his love on the show, but is now likely a relationship.Image: RTL

Björn Diefenbach was the most popular candidate in the youngest “Farmer Seeks Wife” season: no farmer had received more letters than before. In the end, the 32-year-old invited Dani and Katrin to Farm Week, but the butterflies in the stomach just didn’t want to go inside. Rather, it turns out that its feeling for both Woman There are only of a purely sociable nature – even the real opponents of Bjorn’s heart got along well with each other, fortunately there were no broken hearts.

The fan favorite reports shortly after the rerun of “Bauer Sucht Frau” on RTL.image“for the sake of saying. There he reveals that he has fallen in love with a woman away from the show – but she is also thoughtful and questions decisions made during the shoot.

TV Kisan Deta Pyaar Ka Update

“I met a woman who was a lawyer Perfume, It is still very refreshing, we have only met a few times and write a lot,” says the farmer happily. He further says that he met the woman while partying in Cologne. You have even visited them on their farm.

It sounds very promising, but it’s not really serious, at least for now. Apparently Bjorn takes it slowly at first. He also talks about future possibilities:

Five women came to the barn festival for Bjorn, and he spent the week of the farm with two of the women.

Five women came to the barn festival for Bjorn, and he spent the week of the farm with two of the women.Image: RTL

With Dani and Katrin you can be the new lady in your own right Life In any case, “don’t compare”, hence the fan favorite. He stresses once again that his relationship with the ladies he awaited is simply platonic: “Dani and Katrin were more matched on a friendly level. It was not possible for me to flip the switch. And the girls felt the same way.” – At least that’s what they said. The cameras were also a problem.”

“Bauer Sucht Frau” star with thoughtful words

At this point, Björn also thinks a bit and speculates that with a different point of view he might have a better chance of a love happy ending with “Bauer such Frau”: “Maybe it would have been different if I had invited only one woman. Then maybe we would have come closer to each other. You don’t get into a romantic mood so easily with the three of you.”

According to the farmer, the most relaxing time during the farm week was always the evening hours when the cameras were turned off. She concludes about her participation in the show, “If you’re just getting to know two women and you feel like you’re at the presentation plate, it ain’t easy.”

Bjorn says he doesn’t regret parting, especially since he was able to make new friends: “I was looking forward to going out here with a new friend. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen. But I Still met a lot of new people. So I don’t go there with a stupid feeling, even if it’s with him Love didn’t work.,

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