“The biggest scandal in German science”

"The biggest scandal in German science"

Franziska Giphy has lost her doctorate, the malice stemming from political competition and demanding consequences. But SPD leaders stick to their “Dil ki Baat”..

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The Free University of Berlin has decided: Franziska Giffie, the former Federal Family Minister and top candidate of the Berlin SPD, has lost her doctorate. Giffy announced that it had accepted the decision. However, he still stands by his statement “that I wrote the submitted work in 2009 to the best of my knowledge and belief”. Politicians from other parties are now demanding more results from Giffie.

For example, Nina Stahr, leader of the Berlin Greens, said that Giphy “would do well not to talk about its responsibility for this.” She shows with her response that “she wants to try and minimize her mistake”. The Berlin Senator for Economic Affairs, Ramona Pop (Greens), pointed out that “our internationally renowned science is an essential spatial advantage to our economy”. That’s why she wants “the future governing mayor to stand up for the City of Knowledge of Berlin with the same seriousness and credibility as it has in recent years”.

Giffey only gets support from Berlin SPD

Adrian Grass, research policy spokesman for the Berlin CDU parliamentary group, spoke of the “biggest scandal in German science”. The suspicion was confirmed, “that in the first process a targeted attempt was made to classify the plagiarism as less serious and issue a complaint,” he explained. The Free University must clarify what the responsibility of Giffy’s doctoral mother is and whether she can remain permanent as chair of the doctoral committee.

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Giffy received support from his Berlin SPD on Thursday. The SPD’s co-state president, Rad Saleh, said “only Berliners” will decide who they trust at the Red City Hall. The Berlin SPD is focusing “on the election campaign and the future of the city with top candidate Franziska Giffie”. Franziska Giuffy is sticking to her ambitions of becoming the governing mayor of Berlin. “Berlin is and will remain a matter close to my heart”.

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