The Dodge Charger driver raced through the 80s speed limit – how ridiculous he wants to talk to himself

The Dodge Charger driver raced through the 80s speed limit - how ridiculous he wants to talk to himself
  • Jasmine poppich

    FromJasmine Poppich

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At first he steps on the gas, but when he is stopped, he is very humbled: after all, the owner of a car has a very original explanation for his rapid action.

Ontario, Canada – There are always drivers who, when driving too fast and getting caught, try to avoid parking tickets by making a completely absurd excuse. Whether it is a stuck gas pedal or an urge to go to the toilet that cannot be postponed: there is almost nothing that traffic police officers have not heard in their everyday work.

DAnd wasI have a dodge charger-fahrHe, from Ontario, Canada, thinks knocking from the bottom of the barrel: the car owner runs at nearly twice the speed limit, allowing just 80 km / h. Nevertheless, patrol officers of the Road Safety Services can catch up with him and get him to drive to the right. It turns out that the driver on the speedometer was 150 km / h. But he does not want to see the driver of the Dodge Charger. After all, he only wanted to hear if a wheel would rattle when he was driving. You can read more about the unusual speed case and its consequences at* * is a proposal by IPPEN.MEDIA

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