The Energy Crisis in Ice Hockey: Save Wherever Possible

The Energy Crisis in Ice Hockey: Save Wherever Possible

The Nuremberg del Hall is darker than usual. The light was dimmed to save energy. In addition, DEL decided to reduce the thickness of the ice surface. Everything that is not needed is unplugged.

Cold shower for players in conversation

But that’s not enough. ERC managing director Ingolstad Klaus Lidy explains: “Of course you have to save energy in all areas. Even in administration, although it’s only about the small things. Overall, they also give a considerable amount.” Even allowing players to take cold showers is being considered. It is also a substitute for the DEB Secretary General, Klaus Gröbner.

Conversion to LED lights, reduction in playing field

The most effective solution would be to switch to LED lights. The ice surfaces can be converted to American dimensions, which are five meters narrow. This will save one third of electricity. But first of all, the ice rings present in the stadiums at this time cannot be shortened. In addition, many halls have a renovation backlog.

Young people and popular sports are especially difficult

At DEL locations, the issue is not as hot because of the long lease. Still, Nuremberg striker Marcus Weber is worried. Above all, it’s about the kids at several small ice hockey venues: “If the hall has to be closed, there’s definitely a dent.” In all other sports you can “somehow start an alternate program”, but in ice hockey it’s “really difficult without an ice rink”.

Niklas Truttle explains: “I’m in Canada in the summer. Every kid is on the ice five to seven times a week. And if you suddenly didn’t have any snow available as a kid from March to September, this is an absolute must.” Mayhem. If it subsides in winter already, it’s really bad for the game.”

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IceTiger goalkeeper Marcus Weber of the Nuremberg Ice Tigers goes a step further: “In winter, for example, a soccer field or handball hall has to be heated. So we’re all in the same boat.”

If the playgrounds in ice hockey are still open, it will hardly be possible for municipalities to pay for them in hot winter conditions. So there is a danger that junior ice hockey and mass sports will be damaged. The results will be unpredictable.

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