The first German Tesla Model Y LR with private customers >

tesla model-y lr gruenheide holzwickede

Even before the Tesla Gigafactory in Grunheide near Berlin went on a two-week break for renovations last Friday evening, it still gave observers some material to puzzle over. In late June, the Model Y in the Long Range (LR) version, which had previously arrived in Europe from the Tesla factory in China, also appeared on the site for the first time. According to information from they were About 40 Model Y LRs before Grunheide for rental company Sixty planned, but also arrived at various Tesla locations in Germany last week. There they are clearly supposed to serve as performance vehicles – but two private customers have already reported allocation of a Model Y LR from a local factory. Updates: In fact, according to their own statements, both got their electric car on Friday (see below).

German Model Y LR spreads

As of last weekend, visitors searched The Model Y LR from the Gigafactory near Berlin has at least three Tesla locations in Germany. From the outside they differ from the performance version by smaller rims and a missing spoiler lip at the rear. Origin and version can be more accurately identified by the vehicle identification number, which can be found on the windshield, for example: the front of the XP7 means Grunheide and the K in the eighth means the two standard engines (performance In the version there is a) f) ..

This data was checked on the site by Curious to the best of his knowledge, to confirm that some German Model Y LRs have already made it to the rest of the Republic. On Monday, Twitter reported two more from the Tesla center in Holzwickade near Dortmund, and heard that at least one of these Model Ys had arrived at two other locations in Germany. The photo above is from a reader who did his LR search on Sunday in Ottersberg, near Bremen.

Tesla is apparently in the process of supplying the Model Y Long Range from local production to its German agencies. According to the statements of informed circles, they are intended as demonstration vehicles, although it is not clear why the Chinese Model Ys are still not used for this purpose. But the LRs from Grunheide are apparently not exclusively for internal use anyway, as this week at least two German customers have received VIN allocations for one of the longer range versions out there.

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Grunheide. For two Tesla customers with a VIN

Both informed of In the Forum Tesla Drivers and Friends (TFF), the first on Monday and the second on Tuesday. Member Model3_Neuling wrote that after several postponements of the expected delivery date, they have now received a VIN and published it with the abbreviation K in the eighth position for long distances. The electric car is now to be delivered in Renningen from July 11 to 17. On Tuesday morning, Newby reported similar information: his Model Y LR, originating in Grünheide according to VIN, should have come to his hands in Bielefeld in the same period.

Updates: At least two of these Model Y LRs from the German Gigafactory are now actually owned by their private customers. The two told TFF on Friday that they had taken possession of the car from Tesla as planned. Model3_Neuling was told that it was the first German Model Y LR to be distributed on the Renningen site. According to him, it has the same seats as the performance version of Grunheide and a better chassis than the Model Y LR from China.

Even before the conversion break, Tesla produced at least some Model Y LRs for private customers in a German factory. Initially the reasons for this could not be known. will there be more of them if Gigafactory will significantly increase production after the conversion as planned, it will show. In any case, Tesla employees expected to have massive VIN allocations after only three to four weeks into the sale were heard from their environment. He himself should not have any idea whether the expected Model Y LR will come from China or Germany.

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