The gas turbine has apparently arrived in Germany from Canada.

The gas turbine has apparently arrived in Germany from Canada.

As the Russian quality newspaper “Komersant” reported on Monday night, citing its own sources, the Siemens Energy turbines for the Portovaya compressor station at the starting point of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline were flown on Sunday from a repair workshop in Canada to Germany. was flown for. brought Gone. With Germany as an intermediate station, the turbines are to be forwarded to the Russian state-owned company Gazprom in accordance with the sanctions.

Thereafter, according to the report, the turbines will be transported by ferry across the Baltic Sea and by truck via Helsinki, Finland, to the launch site of the Baltic Sea pipeline in Overland. The Portovaya compressor station is located in the Leningrad region, about 20 kilometers from the Finnish border. The EU sanctions package does not include a ban on the supply of gas turbines to the Russian Federation, so there should be no difficulties in transportation, the Russian newspaper explains.

However, there may be delays during the customs process. Then the turbine could have possibly reached Russia on 24 July; Installation may take another three to four days. By the beginning of August at the latest, Nord Stream 1 could be ready to deliver gas across Europe again.

Nord Stream 1 still under maintenance as of Thursday

Siemens Energy did not want to confirm or deny the information in the “Komersant” report when asked by Berliner Zeitung. A Siemens spokesperson said it did not comment on the location of the turbine. However, the goal remains the same: to get the turbine to its place of use as quickly as possible.

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Nord Stream is undergoing annual maintenance from 1 July 11-21 and is not currently delivering gas to Europe. How much gas will then flow into Europe is not clear. On 16 July, Gazprom again asked Siemens to deliver the repaired turbines in Canada to Russia as soon as possible so that Gazprom could ensure the continued operation of Nord Stream 1. On 16 June, the group had already limited gas flow to Europe via Nord Stream 1 to just 40 percent and explained the measure with the missing turbine. The federal government sees mainly political reasons behind this.

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