The heat wave in Europe is heading west: the next holiday countries now risk more than 40 degrees

The heat wave in Europe is heading west: the next holiday countries now risk more than 40 degrees

Greek firefighters try to put out the fire

© Michael Varkalas/DPA/AP/Pictures Alliance

The heat wave is firmly gripping some countries. This causes major problems in South-Eastern Europe. Now the temperature may rise elsewhere

MUNICH – While Germany’s weather caused heavy rain and flooding over the past few days and weeks, it presented countries in southeastern Europe with an entirely different problem. Due to high temperatures, fires broke out in many places, and to this day people in the Balkans, Greece and Turkey are not only fighting wildfires, but also from dehydration and heat-related communication problems.

Greece and Turkey have been particularly badly affected and all fires have called on the people of Athens to stay in their homes and keep windows closed so as not to be exposed to the smoke. This weather is caused, among other things, by warm air coming from the south. Shirokko is called. It carries with it the heat of the Sahara across the Mediterranean Sea and then affects the affected countries.

Heat record possible. Elsewhere the weather is getting worse

Especially at the beginning of a holiday in Bavaria, when many tourists head south, negative news comes from popular holiday destinations. But now it looks like the heat wave will continue to wreak havoc in Europe as well. Warm weather may now extend westwards and affect Spain and Portugal. Temperatures above 48 degrees would be possible here too, breaking the record measured in Athens in 1977. Spain and Portugal have already been battling scorching heat and fires near Barcelona in the past few weeks and the south of Italy has not been spared either.

Extreme heat in the south. flood in the north

It is still unclear whether the heat will enter further north and thus reach Germany as well. It was initially expected that cold winds from the north could bring at least a short break for the heat-affected countries. Rain and thunderstorms are expected again in the south of Germany for at least the coming weekend, the weather service “Kachelmannwetter” announced on its Twitter page. The longing summer is a little late yet to come.

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