The HIV patient is said to have defeated the virus with his or her immune system.

The HIV patient is said to have defeated the virus with his or her immune system.

This is the second documented case worldwide: in Argentina, a woman infected with HIV cured herself. His immune system fought off the virus without any medicine.

a woman out Argentina they should be without medication or treatment HIV– Defeated infection. The news channels NBC and BBC reported citing the American science journal “Annals of Internal Medicine”. Accordingly, this is only the second documented case of this type worldwide.

The 30-year-old woman who was infected with the virus eight years ago has been referred to by scientists based in Argentina as an Esperanza patient. Tests on more than a billion cells of the patient, who is said to have only taken medicine against the virus during her pregnancy in 2020, reportedly no longer showed any viable signs of infection.

“It really is a miracle of the human immune system that did this,” said Xu Yu, an immunologist at the Ragan Institute. Bostonwho conducted the tests in collaboration with Natalia Laufer from the INBIRS Institute in Buenos Aires.

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