“The Truth About Eve” is an exciting attempt to get to the bottom of the history of social inequality between the sexes. Starting from an anthropological point of view, behavior researcher Karel van Schayk, together with journalist and historian Kai Mitchell, analyzes the question of what “Eva” did. Have women been insulted by God as an inferiority complex of women in our society? Is discrimination a result of natural difference? Or is systemic loss a cultural construct?
The author traces the early signs of oppression of women in people that are becoming stagnant. And the rise of monotheistic religions gave impetus to this process. Its consequences were fatal: women had rapidly lost social networks, sexual freedom, and economic freedom, which, as authors demoted, made them equal partners of men in the Stone Age for hunters and gatherers.
The relationships shown in the book are tight. But is there no way out of the situation? “Solution to the problem usually starts with finding the cause,” the authors write. And they did a great job. Bettina Gartner
Carol van Sheikh, Kai Mitchell
Truth about truth
Rovoelt, 704 p., € 26, –
ISBN 978–3–498001001–4