The Kakao Games reveal the survival game “Disterra”, the alpha test begins March 18

The Kakao Games reveal the survival game "Disterra", the alpha test begins March 18

Kakao Games has announced a partnership with reality magiQ for a new online survival title Dysterra, in which players fight for survival on uninhabited Earth of the same name.

Dysterra is an survival game with large-scale multiplayer and intense crafting systems including construction and production, as well as providing exciting conflicts between players on a planet ravaged by environmental disasters. The game is reproduced with the visual graphic power of Unreal Engine 4.

Kakao Games and Reality Magick are planning several test runs with players from all over the world and will incorporate the feedback received into the further development of Distera. The title will appear in Steam Early Access this year. Dysterra’s first global alpha trial will take place in North America on March 18 for four days, with players able to register from today until March 15.

Players who wish to participate in the Test can use it Link to Steam Store Announcement to register. Selected users will be notified separately.

“We are working on the right balance between long-term motivation, even for style for newcomers, and stress that is specific to survival sports,” said the Dysterra team. “With Dysterra we want to create a survival game that appeals to more and more players and inspires them to immerse themselves in the world.”

More information is available about participating in Dysterra’s global alpha test Steam community and on Record-server.

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