The Little Revolution in Netflix: Account Sharing Outside the Home – For an Additional Fee

The Little Revolution in Netflix: Account Sharing Outside the Home - For an Additional Fee

Netflix is ​​testing the ability of Netflix subscribers to let people watch outside their home. However, only at an additional cost.

Netflix is ​​also testing giving Netflix accounts to users outside your home. paid for it

But then extra. As the company wrote in a blog post, Netflix is ​​already testing this new subscription model.


Netflix wants to respond to the fact that access data for Netflix accounts is often used by registered out-of-home users. This is against Netflix’s terms of service, but it is common practice in many cases. Netflix now officially wants to allow this “sharing” of a Netflix account with users outside of the home — but only for an additional fee and initially only in certain countries.

For this purpose, a . the owner of

Netflix Standard or Netflix Premium Accounts
Add “sub accounts” (“sub accounts”) for up to two people who do not live in the household (but not the original account user). A separate profile is created for each of these sub-accounts with individual recommendations and their own login data. There is a surcharge for this.

Additionally, in test countries (see below), Netflix Basic, Standard and Premium plan users allow other co-users to be able to transfer existing profile data to a new account or sub-account for additional members— While maintaining it’s personalized recommendations and viewing history etc.

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Here’s Netflix Testing New Offers

Netflix is ​​testing these two new features with Netflix customers in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru over the next few weeks. In Costa Rica, for example, the surcharge per sub-account is US$2.99 ​​– this equates to approximately €2.70.

Netflix wants to monitor the use of the new options in the three test countries and only then implement these innovations around the world.

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