The Lost Ark will soon receive new classes that fight with spears and hammers

The Lost Ark will soon receive new classes that fight with spears and hammers

khoya extract New classes are available at the end. Amazon Games has introduced two playable classes, a new continent and more content in its roadmap for April and May.

More fighters and warriors on the way

In April, you’ll meet Lancer, a martial artist known in the Korean version of the game as Lance Master. She combines spear and glav attacks and can switch between two stances, Focus and Storm. Small Spear calls for “Furious Bombardment” in Charge mode, while Glav allows “Beautiful Killing Strikes” in Focus stance.

So now martial artists already have five advanced classes. Where are my magicians? May also brings a belligerent class – the Destroyer. The fourth playable warrior in the Lost Ark, he hammers, slows and pushes his enemies around.

The Destroyer is a male warrior class that likes to jump straight into the battlefield.

As with South Worn, players will get one in April that features all kinds of new characters and quests — but only for characters who are item level 1340 or higher. South Varn was once peaceful, but upon hearing of the dangers at North Varn, South isolated itself and established a new order of knights. You need to find out what’s really going on there.

You Still Have Some Time Until New Endgame Content

Minor updates in April and May include comfort improvements, new login rewards, in-game events, skins and shop updates, and a Feiton Power Pass that grants you 960 levels of gear.

In addition, there are trial Guardian raids, where you can challenge a total of three Guardians with their own item levels, which rotate weekly. What makes Trial Guardian Raid different from regular Guardian Raid? The new challenge uses a Harmony Scale, where your character’s item level is scaled up to match that of an opponent. You can collect the reward for these test impressions only once a week.

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Before Smilegate and Amazon Games builds into the Legion raid, which stands for the ultimate endgame experience, developers and publishers want to “give more players time to reach Endgame.” Importantly, players can progress at their own pace.

For this reason, Guardian raid Deskaluda and Legion raid Walton will only be released in May, officials say. blog post From Lost Ark.

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