“The Masked Singer”: Broccoli comes out first

"The Masked Singer": Broccoli comes out first

“The Masked Singer”
First Broccoli Revealed

He has sweated enough, but not enough to finally move on. RTL presenter Katja Burkhard does not get enough votes to start the season of “The Masked Singer” and is exposed.

A broccoli on “point 12”, please: TV presenter Katja Burkard is the first celebrity to leave the new season of the Rhett show “The Masked Singer” in a vegetable outfit. The 57-year-old – known primarily from RTL – was exposed on Saturday evening’s ProSieben show as she received very few votes from the audience. She was behind the broccoli mask, laughing on two legs.

“I’m really sad it’s over,” said Burkard, who performed Pink’s hit “So What” on the show. But the competition was also very strong. Also, she believes that she has never sweated as much as in her green vegetable outfit. “I’m broccoli in my juices,” she confessed. Presenter Ruth Moschner, who sits on the “Masked Singer” mentoring team, praised the outfit: “It looks really good on you.”

Regarding the secrecy required by the show, Burchard said he felt like being at a witness protection event at times. For example, she practiced in the car – even though she was worried someone might notice in a traffic jam. But none of his RTL collaborators actually knew anything about his involvement in “The Masked Singer”. “nobody!” He happily confirmed.

“Such a small, firm buttocks”

Burkard is one of the most famous RTL faces. She became particularly popular with the moderation of the lunchtime journal “Punkt 12” from 1997. Among other things, he has also published children’s books. One of them is called “Prinz Grünigit: A Picture Book Story for Those Who Don’t Like Fruits and Vegetables” – broccoli is quite suitable for display.

In the “Masked Singer” advice team, no one threw their name in the ring before being exposed. For example, Ruth Moschner suggests to moderator Katrin Bauerfind. Actress Katja Riemann was also named. Moderator Linda Zerwakis brought fitness influencer Sophia Thiel into the game as a potential broccoli woman.

At least it quickly became clear that Burkard was not a professional singer. “I feel like it when I’m in the car,” Zarwakis said of the singing. Meanwhile, his colleague Moschner, in his secret helplessness, was in the process of incorporating external aspects into the analysis. “Broccoli have such a small, firm buttocks,” she said. Viewers of the show, who were able to type in names through the app, proved to have much better noses than the celebrities who had guessed. Burkard actually finished in first place.

Miosga? Geller? Hasselhoff?

In “The Masked Singer” celebrities appear as singers, but hide their identities behind elaborate costumes. The stars are revealed as soon as the guessing team guesses the correct name, doesn’t get enough votes, or they finally win. The seventh season has started from Saturday. In the sixth season, singer Ella Endlich won April in a zebra outfit.

Still in the running are, among other things, a mole with a pit helmet, a walrus woman, a lively whistle with rapper attitude, and a crazy creature named Goldie, who is said to be somewhere between a care bear, a kitten, and a teletubby. can be classified. A fearsome werewolf and a tooth fairy made strong appearances on the first show. The perception about the celebrities behind all this excuse naturally resurfaced at the start of the season — from “Tagstemen” presenter Karen Miosga to magic artist Uri Geller to American actor David Hasselhoff.

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