VW’s owning family is reaching out for a stake in the sports car maker.
(Photo: Imago Images/Zuma Wire)
Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt Feather Volkswagen A major restructuring of the group and shareholder structure is underway. VW preparing IPO for sports car subsidiary Porsche Previously, it is called from corporate circles. VW intends to use the proceeds to drive the transition towards digitization and electromobility.
There is a buyer ready: the owner family Piëch / Porsche. Major VW shareholders are considering purchasing a significant block of shares in Porsche AG through Porsche Automobil Holding SE. Here the clan now has a majority stake in Volkswagen AG. To finance the deal, the family is looking to sell off parts of its VW stake.
According to information from Handelsblatt around the group and in the ranks of the owner family, plans are being drawn up. Several banks and advisors are already active, but there is no official order yet. It is conceivable that the family will also hand over the majority to VW, but will remain the largest shareholder according to corporate circles.
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