» The Queen of Comedy « On ZDF: The Pain Points of Everyday Life

» The Queen of Comedy « On ZDF: The Pain Points of Everyday Life

The funniest racist is the horse. Because Sternchen no longer likes to eat, her worried owner (Caroline Fryer) asks a telepathically gifted animal medium (Annette Fryer) for help, who grinds himself briefly into the world of Klepper ideas – and receives from him that from now on it will be called “Lieutenant Steel Storm” in memory of his grandfather and no longer wants to stand next to Shetland ponies . In addition, the horse could no longer bear to be ridden by its owner because his thighs felt “like a crap stocking”. “Is my horse a Nazi?” asked the owner, horrified, and of course it was a white horse on top of him.

»Queen of Comedy«, new, six-part ZDF-Sketchformat, top-class performers: in addition to the Freire sisters, Cordula Stratmann, Gisela Schneberger, Gissa Fleck and Della Dabulmanzi also play. Unfortunately, the joke material often cannot live up to these names: the idea that the female characters in Rosamunde-Pilcher-Schmonzeton are not actually astrophysicists, that police investigations in crime novels are mostly cliché and that Robert Hebek Often subdued in his appearance, providing little pirate material – though Henning Baum as a Gökliger Pilcher actor, Cordula Stratmann as a disgruntled investigator and Geisa Fleck as an unruly psychic who seeks out his master’s. Beside rises like a defiant dachshund and reliably always delivers the most inappropriate thoughts, play his roles confidently.

Often the joke is too obvious, for example when Jesus (Phil Laud in a pink wool sweater) complains to Maria that the Holy Spirit may be carrying Jesus more often on weekends, a time-travelling Judas indiscriminately suggests. That your kiss with Jesus could possibly have gone in a completely different direction, and that Miscellaneous Mother is rejected by the superhero admissions office because she is overqualified and Batman would be so ashamed.

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Someone laughs at a Nazi horse because it’s so absurd, and because the reality behind this joke, which isn’t a little laughable, is over-digestible. However, as with some other gags, you really don’t know if you don’t find them really funny because you can quickly guess how they’ll go — or because the pain point they’re targeted at is a daily routine. From life so well known that you know about it in this slightly twisted look really can’t be laughed at: Scanning camera capsizes on bodies, unequal pay, moms who feed their kids with customized filters on Instagram Presents.

And those who don’t need to send a tidal wave to Sketch the bored goddess because they can manage the devastation of the climate on their own.

“Queen of Comedy”. Every Friday at 10.45 pm on ZDF.

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