The ranking of economists made in this way

The ranking of economists made in this way


DHow many times the media analysis company Unicepta named economists in the media for us from September 2020 to August 2021. Who is an Economist? We left it to the media. People who were referred to at least once as economists, economists or the like were taken into account. The data comes from the Factiva database, the media’s online presence was certainly included – regardless of whether the articles were accessible to all readers or only to subscribers. The following media were relevant for evaluation: FAZ, FAS, Welt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tageszeitung, Bild, Handelsblatt, Capital, Manager Magazin, Wirtschaftswoche, Die Zeit, Focus, Spiegel, Welt am Sonntag, Bild am Sonntag,, n and Nearly 31,000 citations were evaluated.


“Who are the economists (from universities, research institutes, banks, companies, etc.) whose advice or publications do you value most for your work?” This was a question asked by University of Düsseldorf, Association for Scientific Policy Advice, Iconwatch and . ZBW Leibniz – Information Center Economy in a Survey of Parliamentarians and Officials of Ministries at the Federal and State Levels. 88 participants took part in the survey. You can name up to five names. The one with the first name got five points, the one with the fifth.

social media

Social media ratings provide information about the impact on the social network Twitter. The methodology used was developed by Macronom, an online journal for economic policy. From this year onwards, the ranking is created by NZZ Visuals. All tweets sent by the German-speaking economics scene from July 2020 to June 2021 were taken into account. The ranking is made up of four pillars: first, the number of followers, second, the number of retweets and likes, third, the number of likes and retweets in relation to the number of followers, and fourth, the importance of an account within the economic view. Economists can get ten points in each column, so the maximum possible score was 40. Economists who work in Germany, Austria or Switzerland or come from one of these countries are eligible for Twitter rankings.


The number of quotations of previous years are counted here. Expert publisher Elsevier calculated this index from its Scopus research database. Scopus is the largest database of citations and abstracts in the world with over 1.7 billion citations, over 190,000 books and over 23,000 journals, including many European ones. Economists, who often publish articles in books or journals without independent reviewers, do not rank very high in this ranking. For this ranking, we took into account citations published between 2017 and 2021 based on data status from mid-August – regardless of the year of publication. This is how we measure the effect in the present moment.

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