The same thing happens today, soap opera

The same thing happens today, soap opera

2:10 pm, First: Red Rose

© TVNOW / Kai Schulze

Mona struggles with a creative block and doubts her “design skills”. Janes encourages her, and when Paul surprisingly admires her designs, Mona can believe in herself again. Thomas attacks Paul’s boring accusations and gratitude when Tatjana scornfully dismisses it as nonsense. He would like to forget about Paul. But unfortunately Johan developed an interest in “family members”.

3:10 pm, The First: Storm of Love

When Max is rebelled by Shireen again, Vanessa makes him a little happy playing darts. They spend a lovely evening together, and in Vanessa there is hope that they may soon become a couple. Alphonse is not thrilled that Rosalie used a picture of the two of them for an election poster. Christoph also shows his anger to make Alphonse clear about this.

5:30 pm, RTL: Between Us

Bambi broke both hands. Cena wants to help him cope with everyday life. Bambi gratefully accepts the friendly help and has a magic moment with Cena. Until the pastry shop faces the problem: Theo is absent. As long as he wants to stop the business for the time being, he receives unexpected help, which, however, does not suit him at all.

7:05 pm, RTL: Everything that matters

Isabel is very happy that her beauty party has promised a big success. However, when he underwent his treatment, something went wrong. Meanwhile, Richard continued to favor Jupiter himself. However, he is willing to do so only on his own terms.

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7:40 pm, RTL: Good times, bad times

Nina realizes that she cannot expect support. Determined to fight for her project, Nina is set in Canada to sell a company to build a European branch. Maren accuses Mixie of trying to encourage him without interfering with his life. Only when he finds out that he is over because of Alexander’s upcoming birthday does Maran apologize.

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