“The situation is very critical”: Canada is the largest P1 hotspot outside Brazil – politics

"The situation is very critical": Canada is the largest P1 hotspot outside Brazil - politics

In the third wave of Kovid, Canadians are confronted with shocking numbers every day. Never before have so many patients been in intensive care units. Patients are being sent to other locations from clinics in the country’s largest city, Toronto.

About 9,000 new infections emerge every day. There have been 165 incidents in Canada, similar to Germany. However, only about 37 million people live in Canada. Last year, the country seemed more successful than the United States in the fight against Kovid. The picture has changed.

Canada is worse than its neighbors when it comes to vaccination and new infections. Virus mutations are particularly widespread in Quebec, British Columbia, and Ontario.

“The situation in intensive care units is really a disaster,” says a doctor treating cancer patients at a hospital in the capital, Ottawa. Operations have to be postponed. The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) in Ottawa, which previously admitted only patients under the age of 18, is now providing intensive care beds for patients under the age of 40.

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“The situation is very serious”

“This has never happened in Chemo’s 47-year history,” explains Chloe’s president Alex Munter, indicating how severe the third wave of the epidemic is. The crisis also reveals serious flaws in the healthcare system.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned, “The situation is very serious.”Photo: Blair Gable / REUTERS

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned, “The situation is very serious.” “Intensive care beds and hospitals are filling up in many areas of the country. The patients are younger and younger. ”

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[Mehr zum Thema: Intensivmediziner appelliert verzweifelt – Wir sind den Tod gewohnt, aber so etwas gab es noch nie“ (T+).]

Vaccination will be done as much as possible, “but now more contagious and dangerous variants are threatening the progress we have made.” The main concern is the spread of the invasive brazil mutant P1.

British Columbia is now considered the region with the most P1 cases outside Brazil.

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