The VW brand takes precedence over Audi and Porsche when it comes to software

The VW brand takes precedence over Audi and Porsche when it comes to software
Herbert Dias

The VW boss was under pressure to find a concept to solve the problems in the software assistant Cariad.

(Photo: Volkswagen AG)

wolfsburg In the two years since its inception, VWThe software assistant carrier mainly creates problems for the group. Schedules for newly developed software were not met. As a result, important model projects have been delayed – notably in premium brands Audi and Porsche. The problems led to tensions between CEO Herbert Diess, Audi boss Marcus Duesmann and Porsche boss Oliver Bloom.

The supervisory board had put Dias, responsible for the career, under pressure to act. DIAS will have to present the solution concept by the next meeting of the Control Committee in the coming week. According to corporate circles in Wolfsburg, the settlement is now as good as it is complete. A final fine-tuning is still to be done in the coming days.

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