These 5 foods are bad for the brain

These 5 foods are bad for the brain

These foods are bad for the brain

1. Sugar

Added or free sugars are bad for the brain because these foods lead to high levels of glucose. who regularly consume sugar, Makes the brain resistant to the hormone insulin, which is produced when sugar is consumed, However, since insulin is an important component required in the hippocampus (the center of the brain where memories are processed), Cognitive function and memory are impaired in the long term. Scientists at the University of California have also found that sugar transports free radicals across brain membranes, impairing the ability of nerve cells to communicate.

2. Fried Foods

Burgers, fries, pizza and the like – probably everyone knows that fast food is neither good for the heart nor for the waistline, but deep fried food can cause severe damage to the brain, to the extent Did not know. Fried foods contain trans fats, which are industrially produced fats made from hydrogenated vegetable oils, from which margarine and fried fats are made. We find these trans fats in many ready meals and fried foods. Research has shown that high intake of trans fats at a young age can lead to memory loss and premature aging of the brain.

Interesting: Fast Food Diet: Can You Lose Weight With Fast Food?

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